Brooklyn Bridge
The design was taken on a freezing winter day shortly before Christmas on the Brooklyn Bridge in the direction of New York City. In the background you can see the Financial District with its buildings and skyscrapers. The famous bridge was built around 1883 and connects Manhattan with Brooklyn. This design is suitable for any room that needs to be beautified with Wallstoxx.
This design is one of the exclusive Haastler Wallstoxx designs.
Haastler is one of the exclusive and awarded Wallstoxx photographers who provide their works for the extraordinary and individual room designs. You can find more information about the photographer under the menu item "Artists".
Haastler ist einer der exklusiven und ausgezeichneten Wallstoxx Fotografen, die ihre Werke für die außergewöhnlichen und individuellen Raumgestaltungen zur Verfügung stellen. Mehr Information zum Fotografen finden sie unter dem Menüpunkt Künstler.
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je €105.00
Price incl. Vat.
Width: 423 cm
Height: 282 cm
Available, delivery time 1-2 weeks